O.K. Let's get started. I'm fired up today.
I have had two conversations over the past couple of days. Two very different women. Two different walks of life. One very similar problem. BODY IMAGE.
Woman one: She is precious. Just precious. A joyful, tender heart for the Lord. Girlfriend is GROUNDED. She's been walking with the Lord for years. Solid family. Awesome husband. She is filled with deep, deep joy. She knows Scripture and gets it. She's just awesome. period. Oh, did I mention she's a bombshell? A blond bombshell. A fitness bombshell. Total hottie. Lord, we all might as well just throw in the towel if she struggles with body image. She is seriously the most fit person I know. So for all purposes today, let's call her 'Bombshell'.
Woman two: College-aged cutie pie about to graduate and move on into the business world. This girl, too, is on fire for Jesus. Seriously, go fetch her some locust and honey. She is wild for Him. She knows scripture. Loves theology. Very passionate for the Lord. And cute, cute, cute. Just darling! Beautiful. Let's name her 'Cutie-Pie'.
SO WHY!? Body image? Really? These two? Well, knowing what we now know about insecurity, we shouldn't be surprised.
I would go so far as to say we ALL struggle, to some degree, with body image. We are all somewhat aware of ourselves - How we carry ourselves. What we look like in (or out) of our clothes. Our complexions. Muscle tone. Cellulite. Wrinkles. Graying hair. Hair loss. Belly fat. etc... Even if body image doesn't consume you, I'd say there is some degree of awareness. Men - you, too!
But here's the difference...for some women, like Bombshell and Cutie Pie, body image can EAT THEIR LUNCH. While for others, its not necessarily a stronghold. When Bombshell and I talked, she said, "You know it doesn't bother me all of the time. But every now and then it rears its ugly head." Well put. So true. She appears to be the most confident person you will ever meet. Confident in the Lord! But you know, the enemy doesn't want us to stay confident long. Confidence is too effective for the Gospel.
Same for Cutie-Pie. She is super involved in her church, super single and a super great catch. The enemy doesn't want her to walk confident in who God made her. The enemy needs her to be a little less secure. If she's insecure, she feels less attractive, therefore, she thinks a Christian guy wouldn't be interested. And the enemy doesn't like Christian marriages. They cramp his style.
Anyway. So I said something along these lines to both women.... "If we could only learn to really take every thought captive and make our thoughts obedient to Christ."
But my favorite question to ask the Lord these days is....What exactly does that mean? Take a thought captive? What? Tie it to a chair? Duck tape? Lasso? I want details.
Let's investigate...
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4,5
It's war. Military lingo for a warlike problem.
So, we are to use divine power to destroy our strongholds. This is referring to Ephesians 6:10-18. The Armor of God. I encourage you to read it in full, but in brief, Paul is referring to the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. Paul says to BE ALERT! Be on watch. The battle will come. Pray this over yourself. When you recognize that "old feelin'" comin' on....PRAY. Gear up. Half the battle is TAKING PREVENTIVE MEASURES.
Remember what Miss Bombshell said about her stronghold of body image "rearing its ugly head." Well, it is true. The meaning of an argument "setting itself up against the knowledge of God" literally means to raise up against. Strongholds literally raise up against God.
Strongholds oppose Truth. The Truth About You.
To take captive means to lead away. To bring it under control. To make those lies submit to the authority of Christ. The authority of His Word. To make them OBEY Him.
Paul says the key in battle is putting on the Armor of God. Being alert. Aware. Here's an example of how to pray this over yourself...
"Lord, I know my struggle is not against flesh and blood. It is not against my body. Or my image. It is against the powers of this dark world. Today, I put on the full armor of God so I'm able to stand my ground WHEN attack comes. I stand firm with the belt of truth around my waist, the breastplate of righteousness (Your righteousness!) and the gospel of peace. I hold up my shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit (Your Word!) to protect my heart and mind from the flaming arrows of the enemy. Help me be alert and to remain prayerful. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen."
The enemy must submit.
One day, every knee will bow to the authority of the Father.
But for today, may it be our thoughts.
I urge you to, "make war with your sin."
Lasso those lies and lead them away. Captive.
Be Blessed.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is always a blessing to me. Thank you so much for sharing your heart.
Hey Becky, this definitely spoke to me today. God is really using you and I am so thankful! My stronghold is something different, but the strategy for defeating it is the same. Thank you so much for sharing! Again, it is right in line with what we are studying this week in "Breaking Free", weird huh? Not really, though...only God. : )