Saturday, July 10, 2010

Running Like a Winner

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? I run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly. 1 Corinthians 9:22

When I first started walking with the Lord, I had a lot to work through. I was still very entangled in habitual sin, spending time with the wrong people, and I didn't know much at all about the Bible. I had a lot to learn and a long way to go.

Very similar to running. I wasn't a runner. Or very athletic, at all. But I wanted to run a 5K one day. But I had a lot to learn and a long way to go.

Then the Lord gave me strength and power to break chains of cyclical sin in my life. He gave me confidence to move away from some very unhealthy relationships. He gave me clarity and understanding of His Word. I was finally able to make my way through some muck.

After running for a little while, I signed up for a 5K. And ran it. Very slow. I didn't care about time. I just wanted to finish. And I did. And didn't die. :)

Over time, I could finally see my way out of the fog of my past. I had so much to work through. All my spiritual growth was consumed with healing wounds. Finally I could start focusing my spiritual energy on something else. Something besides survival.

After running that first race, and not dying, I realized I would like to do that again. My focus could then be on finishing well, instead of just finishing. Now I could start focusing my physical energy on something else. Something besides survival.

The Lord began to give me a deep love for His Word and a desire for it. He grew me in purpose and discipline. Spiritual growth takes effort, intention, self-denial and preparation. And once I got a rich taste of Him, I wanted more. He's quite addicting.

Last night before bed, I was setting a few things out for a race this morning. I told Brent, "I want to run tomorrow as if I am going to win it."

Chances are I won't win. But I want to race as if I will.

I want to run this life as a winner. I want to run for my crown that will last forever. I don't want to run like a man running aimlessly. I want to run for my Prize.

I can't wait for the day, when I stand on that winner's podium. And He adorns my head with a crown. And hands me my reward. Christ. Face to face. And He says, "well done, good and faithful servant." Matt. 25:21

Until then, I will settle for a 10K this morning. Running with perseverance, the race marked out for me. My eyes fixed on the author and perfector of my faith - my Prize.
Hebrews 12:1


  1. Your words are always so encouraging & just what I need to hear. Thanks for allowing God to speak through you!

  2. Thank you Becky for running your race! You are a blessing! I can totally relate to your testimony, I spent the first many years of my walk working with the Lord to get out of my hole I had dug for myself. I am running my first 5K in August in the Butterfly Race. It is neat to see the parallels or running and our walk with the Lord!


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