Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crying Over Coffee

Before I typed the first letter this morning, I just sat and stared at the blank page. A full cup of joe sitting to the left of the screen. My Bible open. My nail kit in view sitting behind the computer. (Yes, I sometimes paint my nails while I read my Bible and blog. Just another quirk about Becky Crenshaw.)

Ahh. I have missed you all.

My week off was very refreshing. A lot has happened. And I got a lot done. Greater still, the Lord got a lot done in me.

Words and ideas I brought back down from the mountain...

- Training

- Satisfaction

- Prophecy

- God Bless my Lukie Pookie

- Wheel of Fortune

- Detox

- Let the children come

- I am the vine

- Healing

I am a walking blog post just waiting to be written!

But this morning, I am not going to write on any of those. Today the Lord sent me straight to Ephesians 6:10-18.


Now, I'm not one to walk around pointing my finger at the enemy. Sometimes, I know good and well that I am up against my own sinful nature. I am up against my own lack of self-control. I am up against my own laziness or apathetic attitude towards the Word. But today, as I write this, I know good and darn well that I am up against the schemes of the devil.

Yesterday morning was Grant's first day to a new school. I had prayed for this day for months and months. I was as nervous as he. But as this day approached, Grant's energy was starting to fade, his appetite was growing small, his tummy starting to hurt and by Friday night he was plagued by a stomach bug.

And it was relentless.

He was sick most of the day Saturday, all day Sunday and into the wee hours of Monday morning. He was weak. And tired. And extremely uninterested in going to school.

I called his teacher and she encouraged me to bring him for an hour. Let him get acquainted with his desk, his locker and meet his classmates. Just get a visual.

So in faith, I proceed with my "first morning of school" to-do list. And Grant is fighting me tooth and nail. With wet hair and my bathrobe on, I walk downstairs to get coffee. Brent is sitting at the kitchen table.

Standing at the coffee pot, I start to cry.

"This morning is death to me."

Brent - "What?"

"I have prayed and prayed for this morning and the enemy is stealing it away. He has ruined everything I hoped it would be. He is robbing Grant of his experience. He is robbing me of my joy. I want the enemy out of my house. I want him to leave my babies alone. Leave me alone. Ugh! I am so ticked off!"

Brent - silence.

Sweet Brent. I'm sure he doesn't know what to do with me sometimes.

Ephesians 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Yesterday morning the devil was plotting schemes against my family.

Schemes (methodeia) by definition means this... A method. A settled plan. To follow craftily. To frame devises. To deceive.

This is what he does. He methodically settles on a plan. He is crafty. He frames devices up against the body of Christ. He wants to decieve us. He wants to steal our joy. Our jobs. Our health. Our money. He wants our marriages. Our children.

He wants our lives.

The Word warns us, "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith. 1 Peter 5:8,9

So after I wallowed over my coffee a while, I picked myself up. Dusted off my bathrobe and went upstairs to get dressed. In the full armor of God.

I buckled the belt of truth around my waist.
The breastplate of righteousness strapped on.
My feet fitted with readiness in the gospel of peace.
I snapped on my helmet of salvation.
My shield of faith in one hand.
The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, in the other.

Then I stood... alert and prayerful on all occasions. Empowered by the Holy Spirit to move forward. Empowered now to resist my enemy.
Ephesians 6:14-18

Grant is doing better and enjoyed seeing his classroom and locker. We went to the doctor and the report was good. He is doing much better today. Praise the Lord.

Today I walk in victory. Aware of the battle around me, guarded and alert.

And thankful.

Thankful to the Lord for not leaving me in that kitchen floor crying over my coffee. I am thankful for His Word that is God-breathed and useful for instruction and teaching (2 Tim 3:16). I am thankful He leads me to overcome my enemy (Luke 10:19). And I am thankful that I can do everything in Him who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13).

Be encouraged today.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - Jesus speaking. John 16:33


  1. Becky, I have missed hearing from you- but am so glad that you had a great week... those precious times with/from God are so priceless! I love how HE is working in your heart!

  2. We went through this last year when our son started Kindergarten. The first months were terrible, with him crying every school day because he didn't want to go. And then, to top it off, a month in his appendix ruptured and he had to spend a week in the hospital and a week at home to recover. The good that came out of that was he realized he was important to his friends at school when he came back, and within a few weeks he was a different kid. Now he can't wait for school to start in a couple of weeks!

    It took so much prayer on my part and surrendering my boy to God to get through that time. But it was so worth it. Hang in there. Grant will see you faithfully turning to God in the midst of these trials and will follow in your footsteps!

  3. Girl, all I can say is that I love you and God love you more! : )


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