This is the weekend. The annual Crenshaw Yard Sale. Friday and Saturday 8-1. Come one come all!
Every November, the signs go up, in hopes to raise extra money for Christmas shopping. The Lord has been good to bless it every year.
But, preparing this week has brought the Proverbs 31 Woman to mind. Often. I think of her - bringing her food from a far, rising while it is still night, providing food for her household and her maidens, buying a field to plant a vineyard, sewing, feeding the poor, making linens and fine clothing. (v.10-24)
My goodness. This woman.
I wish King Lemuel would have given us a little more detail.
I want to ask her: Did your kids scream at each other while waiting in line to buy fabric? Did they ever complain about what you fixed them for breakfast? Were your maidens so thankful for you? Did you ever want to grumble, carrying your food from so far away? Did your kids walk all that way, too?! Did they gripe about it? Did you ever prick your finger on a needle and let a bad word slip? And what about that vineyard? When did you find time to do all that?
I am realizing that she could not have possibly done all of this in her own strength. No way.
She had to rely heavily on the Lord. Dying to herself, her frustrations and her unmet expectations. Dying to feelings of entitlement or the need for extra sleep. Did she ever just want a big 'ol pat on the back?
Preparing for the sale, as silly as this sounds, really makes me appreciate this woman.
A yard sale is a lot of labor. Frustrating labor. And my flesh has rebelled often. You can imagine - the boys coming behind me, putting things back in their room (Mom! Don't sell this!), my signs have broken, Brent has had to work alot this week and the kids want to "help" me tag (No, that old VHS is not worth $5).
But this woman inspires me to work with willing hands (v.13). To be diligent, strong and joyful.
To serve well, to labor long and to love the Lord with all of my heart, soul and might (Deuteronomy 6:5).
Working a yard sale or working a vineyard - we are ultimately working for the Lord.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if working for God and not for men. Colossians 3:23
May He be glorified today. Even in my silly yard sale.
Love you all.
I needed that today!!