Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men. Luke 2:14
We have arrived at the threshold of Christmas. December 23rd. The hustle and bustle is arguably at its peak - food is being prepared, last minute gifts purchased, traffic is absolutely crazy and I am finding myself getting a little lost in its shuffle.
Yesterday I sat down at the kitchen table holding a green sharpie and a Christmas tree post-it note.
Staring at my to-do list, I said to Brent, "I am feeling overwhelmed."
It read: *make Oreo balls *fold laundry *shake out rugs *drop off presents to Amanda *get turkey from Mamaw *wrap three gifts *vacuum out the van *drop off dry cleaners
(It's amazing what will overwhelm a person. Silly, I know. )
Brent took my list, grabbed my sharpie and marked off four items. "I'll do these."
Ahh. Sweet man of God. What a relief it was for him to take those off of my holiday plate.
This morning I have reflected on yesterday's to-do list and Brent's sweet intervention. And I think I best be setting goals for the next two days or I will miss it all.
Christmas goals 2010.
I sense that the Lord wants to take my Christmas tree post-it, grab hold of my green sharpie and scratch it.

He wants to say, "I'll do these. You do this: *abide in me *enjoy my presence *sing Christmas hymns of praise *hug your children *kiss Brent *read the Christmas story *serve your family *refresh in my Spirit *celebrate *simplify."
Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men. Luke 2:14
So my goals for the next two days: Glory and Peace.
#1 Glory - I want to give glory to God in the highest.
I want to make every effort to give him honor and praise. Every table setting, every dish prepared, every present wrapped - for His glory. Every hug, every spoken word, every song sang - for His glory. I want this to be the Christmas of washing feet. Let me serve my family, both young and old - for His glory. Let my hands be His. Oh thank you, Jesus.
#2 Peace - I sense deeply within me that I need to lay hold of my peace. The enemy wants it, you know. He does not, I repeat, does not want your focus to be Christ. He wants to steal your focus - make Christmas about busyness and stuff. Don't do it. Make a conscience effort right now. Your focus is Jesus. My focus is Jesus.
Within two days I spoke with four people...people anxious about relational drama at the holidays. Family can be hard. Lay claim to your peace. Jesus is your focus. Love them. Tell them how happy you are to be with them. Forgive them. Wash their feet. Let love and peace be your motivation.
Let the fruit of the Holy Spirit be your Christmas dish this year - Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control! Galatians 5:22
Who could resist?
May my and your Christmas be marked by Glory and Peace this year.
Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas to you.
Lord, I ask you to bless all those who have read this today. Fill them with your Spirit. Let them abide in your great love for them. Let them rest in the simplicity of a baby in a manger and all that Christmas was meant to be. Thank you for Jesus - The Word made flesh (John 1:14). In Jesus Name, Amen.
Glory and Peace sound like great goals! Merry Christmas to you & your family!
ReplyDeleteIt is only by God's providential hand that I read this after Christmas. Normally, I'm the first one on here getting filled by the Spirit that you so obediently pour out. (Thank you so much, by the way!) But for the past few days, I haven't been in blogville at all. My husband's favorite uncle killed himself on Christmas Eve. There's such a long story to go with it. His wife passed away a little more than 4 years ago. He left behind 1 healthy daughter (complete with family & new grandson) and 2 highly handicapped sons. The viewing & funeral is all at the end of this week and what should've been read as a Christmas goal is now my goal for that time. Glory & peace.