But I do remember this conversation.
A beautiful young bride, trendy, blond and gorgeous, sat in the floor talking amongst the other women about marriage and husbands.
I remember her saying, "My husband is out of town all next week. Ugh!"
I chime in, "Aww. Does he travel a lot?"
She looked at me, "Yes, thank God."
A bit confused I replied, "Oh, I hate it when my husband goes out of town."
With disgust on her face, "Not me. I'm like..." (then she takes her designer boot and and gestures as if she is kicking someone out the door) ..."go on! Now I can have some peace."
Four years later, they are divorced.
"Would you be surprised to discover that the success of your marriage is directly related to the influences around you? Who or what influences you? Who or what is whispering in your ear? Are your closest friends champions or enemies of your marriage?" - S. Kendrick, Dare to Love
Oh, the power of influence. We have to be very careful in today's culture. Every where we turn - Reality TV, tabloids, Facebook, sitcoms, Internet - there are skewed views of marriage.
Let's rally for the institution. It's time for marriage to make a come back. To be of spoken of in the highest regard. I get so sick and tired of marriage being portrayed as such a burden.
Like designer boot girl.
"Marriage is a beautiful and priceless gift."
Especially if your marriage is struggling to survive, "anyone who undermines your marriages does not deserve to be called a friend. Anyone who discourages your goal of fireproofing your marriage is not giving you good advice."
Do you have friends like this?
If so, ditch 'em. I mean it.
You don't need that.
Your influences need to be people speaking LIFE to your marriage. Not death.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live. Deuteronomy 30:19
"Learn to choose your friends carefully. They always influence you one way or another." - The Love Dare
In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
Have fun with this!!
Side note: Speaking of great influences, this weekend the family and I traveled to Kentucky to visit our old neighbors and dear friends, BC and Catherine. Oh, how we love these people.
Can you imagine the fun that these kiddos had?
I am SO blessed to have many friends who hold marriage in high regard! In the beginning, I didn't have as many. I remember one friend who would complain about her husband all the time. After being around her for a little while, I would find myself mad at my husband for not taking the trash out (or something equally minor)! Fortunately, I realized it pretty soon & stopped spending SO much time around that type of friend! Hmmm...an unexpected gesture? I have a few hours before he gets home ~ I'll try to think of something! :)
ReplyDeleteIf it weren't for the GOOD Godly influences when dating, I'm not sure that I would be married because there was so much negative stuff (media, for one, and expectations for perfection) going into my brain. I am so thankful that God didn't give up on me and my (now) husband, and so thankful for those who saw so much more than I could see at that time.