This post is very unlike me.
Usually, when I post a blog, things have to be just so in the mornings.
Picture: I'm fresh out of bed, in my robe, my coffee cup full, sitting at the kitchen table writing about something the Lord has been stirring in my heart.
Not so today.
I am sitting at a little cafe called Blackbird Coffeehouse, Brent is keeping the boys, it is almost noon, I am listening to Pandora and I my brain is a bit fried. In the best kind of way.
Brent freed me up to come and prepare a talk for an upcoming retreat (I am so pumped!!). I have studied all morning - writing, praying, thinking and reading.
The Word is so rich but so overwhelming at the same time. I can become very overwhelmed by its depth. It has so much for us.
And I want it all right now. :)
But the sweet Lord knows I couldn't handle it. I'd faint if He revealed it all to me. Its riches are far too great. It will take me a lifetime....and even at that I will never grasp it all.
But I will go down trying.
I have thought of my 2011 verse often today....Romans 12:1
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual act of worship.
Sacrifice: thysia - metaphorically used of the body of the believer, presented to God.
You know, learning the Word is a sacrifice. It isn't always an easy or pleasant read, you know. But, oh the reward of knowing it. Of knowing Him.
As a spiritual act of worship, I appeal to you - study the Word. Strive to know Him. Dig deeply.
Sow the things of the Holy Spirit. Sow the Word into your heart. You will reap a harvest if you don't give up. Galatians 6:8,9.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
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Made with graphic elements by Cori Gammon
I definitely want to know the Word better! I talked to a friend who has only about a year to live (stupid cancer), and he is passionate about sharing the Word with anyone & everyone before he is gone. In his 14 years since coming to know the Lord he has read through the Bible 91 times! Talk about some wonderful conversations with someone who knows his stuff!