To all who mourn in Israel, he will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning, praise instead of despair. For the LORD has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3
God makes beauty from all of our ashes: the dust and ruin of our brokenness. The pain of our hurting marriages; the mourning that comes from deep loss.
God has the power and desire to give us a heart of praise in place of a spirit of despair.
He makes Beautiful Things out of us.
Behold, I am making all things new. Revelation 21:5
Reflect on this life-changing truth as you enjoy this powerful song today, Beautiful Things. I envision us all, closing our eyes in worship together this morning, lifting our hearts to the God of miracles.
Let us surrender this morning....all of our ugly for His beauty.
Tomorrow, please be sure to check back. I will be giving away a potentially marriage changing book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs titled Love and Respect for a Lifetime. Oh, the depth of truth this book offers.
"Women absolutely need love. Men absolutely need respect. It's as simple and as complicated as that." - Eggerichs
Come back tomorrow to hear more and enter to win a copy. How fun!

Also, completely unrelated to anything, are you (ladies) in need of a weekend away in the Smokey Mountains? A couple of days to rest, laugh, cry :), enjoy Christian fellowship and feed on the Word of God? Well, if so, you might be interested in this extended invitation from a local Mom's ministry here in Knoxville:
The weekend of February 18-20, 2011 the PEP Moms ministry of Cedar Springs will be gathering at the lovely River Lodge in Pigeon Forge for our annual retreat. Our speaker this year is Becky Crenshaw who writes a local blog which many women in Knoxville and around the country follow. If you have never read Becky's blog, it is deep and soul-nourishing- definitely worth checking out! Becky will be speaking from Acts 3:19 in a series of talks titled "That Times of Refreshing May Come." We have a limited number of space available for this great opportunity to get away, get refreshed and enjoy sweet fellowship. There are two options: attending the entire weekend ($100) or attending Saturday only ($30). There will be some women attending who are not a part of the PEP Moms ministry or have been part of the group in the past-- This is an open retreat and all are welcome! Find further information by clicking here. If you know of someone who needs to be a part of this retreat... please feel free to bring a friend, sister, neighbor, co-worker, etc!
A word from Becky:
Lord, what does refreshment in Your presence look like? How do we rest with children at our legs, begging for waffles. When our kids won't listen and we hear more "No's" than "Thank You's" on any given day? Where is that refreshing that comes from Your Holy Spirit (Acts 3:19)? What does that look like for us - thirty-something and several kids deep?? Will you show us, Father?
Will you, Lord Jesus, meet us - hungry mother's in need of rest, in need of soul-deep hugs, fellowship and refreshment that only Your presence can provide? Meet us, Lord. February 18-20th. We ask you to come. Move. And change our lives.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
Ladies, words do no justice to my excitement and anticipation of what will happen at Pep Moms Retreat this year. He is so good and so ready to touch us. He will teach us, in our time together, how to enter into His presence on a daily, moment to moment basis and receive refreshment from Him alone. By His Word, let us learn how to come to Him, all of us who are weary and burdened, and receive rest for our souls. Let us throw off our yokes and trade in for His - a yoke that is easy and light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Oh Hallelujah! Will you come and enter into His rest? Join us in study and fellowship as we receive refreshment for our souls.
Be Blessed,
Becky Crenshaw
Many of you have joined us on retreats in the past and know how wonderful a time it is. We would LOVE to have you for the weekend or for the day on Saturday!
This is the perfect "GIRL'S WEEKEND or GIRL'S DAY OUT!" Come be spoiled, recharge your battery, and best of all get reconnected with God!
Many blessings,
Monica and Andrea
Imagine....a weekend away...and God making Beautiful Things out of us. Mmm.
If this sparks something in you, I encourage you to pray about it...
becky! I read this book and it changed my life! I love it and recommend it to people all the time.
ReplyDeleteBecky, I was just wondering today when the retreat was....praying for you. I know it will be wonderful!