Ten lepers healed. But only one turned back to say thank you to Jesus.
Only one who returned to say thank you for answering their prayer - a prayer that there is NO TELLING how long the lepers had prayed.
Heal me, Lord. Help us, Lord. We need you, Lord. Make us clean, Lord. And as soon as the Lord answered them....
Only one.
How often am I the nine?
I ask and pray and pray and ask. I cry out. I put my faith in the only One who can heal, help and make me clean. And then as soon as He does -
Oh, Lord Jesus, forbid it.
I want to be a thankful woman, Lord. I want to be hyper-sensitive to your blessing...so I can offer you thanks and give you the GLORY you deserve.
I want to be the thankful one, who once healed, turned back and fell on his face at your feet.
Don't we do this? Forget to thank Him?
If you read the entirety of this leper story (Luke 17:11-19), it is evident how sad the unthankful nine made Jesus. "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?" (v.17)
Let us be a thankful people. Let us be the "ones" today.
"This morning, I turn back to say thank you, Jesus, and praise You for _______________."
How would you fill in the blank today? Leave a comment.
"This morning, I turn back to say thank you, Jesus, and praise You for answering every prayer I prayed over the retreat last weekend. Thank you for the opportunity to spend a weekend with such an amazing body of believing, solid, beautiful women. Thank you for your Word, that is powerful and healing. Thank you that it never returns empty (Is. 55:11). Thank you for penetrating our hearts. Thank you for knitting our souls as one. I love you, Jesus. I wish I could explain just how much."
Fellowship Bible Church Women's Retreat 2011
I am thankful for friends who came for dinner. After losing a grandmother in the afternoon, to share life, food, laughter, tears, memories. It was healing, but also good for our souls. I'm grateful for taking the time to love.
ReplyDeleteMy mom sent me to your blog - I LOVE it! My husband and I are also invovled in college minsitry on UTK's campus!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful that we don't owe any taxes for the first time in many, many years!! We are actually getting a refund, and we NEED it desperately! I know it's not a spiritual thing, but that's what I'm thankful for today!
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful for my husband, yet how many times do I really show it? Embarrassingly, not very often. I am so blessed to have a husband who supports my dreams, helps out around the house, and is sensitive to my needs. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteI am so very thankful for my family!