"Type A" here, very excited about the week ahead. A WEEK TO SET GOALS FOR SUMMER!
And not just any summer...but a significant summer.
Significant: (def) likely to have influence or effect : important: probably caused by something other than mere chance.
I forbid this summer to be "left to chance."
Life is encompassed by time, and by golly, I want my time to be well accounted for. I want my time this summer to matter.
Hence, planning.
The next two blogs will be devoted to two things: Summer Goals for yourself and Summer Goals for your children.
Grab your pen and paper. Are you ready?
Let's break up our goals into three categories.
Goals for Summer: Mom
1. Spiritual Goals:
Ask yourself: Where do you need to grow? What needs to change in your walk with the Lord? Where can you press in? What is my outreach strategy? Who can I minister to this summer?
2. Physical Goals:
This is a simple evaluation of your overall health and wellness. What are my strengths? What could improve? What needs to change?
3. Relational Goals:
Marriage? Family? Friendships? What comes to mind?
(I think it is important to find a few Scriptures that support these goals. Be thinking or looking up some to pray over your summer.)
Here is an example of how my goals are panning out...
Goals for Summer: Becky
Spiritual goals
- Spend more and more time in the Word
- There are at least three books that I want to finish. (I am notorious for reading only 3/4 of a book)
- I'm starting a new Bible Study with my neighbor. We need to pick a start date and order workbooks. I'd really like to do Grace Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel.
- I am really looking forward to blogging more.
- Outreach: I signed up to lead preschool worship/skit at my church (love this!). I also want to help with VBS .
Physical Goals:
- My biggest diet stronghold.....SUGAR. Oh my word.
M O D E R A T I O N. ( I have a plan)
- I am horrible about not doing any weight-bearing exercise. My bones need it! So I need to lift more weight.
- I have lost much of my running mo-jo. I'd love to get it back.
- Sleep. I obviously wake up early. I need to go to bed by ten. In my bed. Falling asleep on the couch doesn't count. (Brent - if I dose on the couch, don't leave me there! If I tell you "I'll be up in a minute," I'm lying.)
Relational Goals:
- Date night. Bi-weekly. (Gotta find a sitter)
- Spring's hectic schedule caused me to cancel often with my mentor and my accountability partner. I am looking forward to getting back into a rhythm.
- I'm looking forward to Bible study with my neighbor.
- The swimming pool is a great place to connect with other moms!! Can't wait.
Verses: A few scriptures come to mind when thinking through all of this.
I appeal to you therefore brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Romans 12:1
I want to offer myself and my time to the Lord. I present my summer to Him. This word present means to "place a thing at one's disposal." I want to be at His disposal this summer.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
Train yourself for godliness; For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
Yes, this is really a shirt I wear. Perspective.
I can work out until I am blue in the face...but at the end of the day, this is what is important. Jesus, training me for godliness.
Lord, thank you for the gift of summer. I offer my summer to you. I present my plans to you and ask you to now direct my steps. Help me be diligent, disciplined and intentional. In Jesus Name. Amen
Let me know if you are planning alongside me. I am praying for you...
I just skimmed this at this time, I plan to go back and really focus on it and set some goals! But, I wanted to offer a switch date one time a month if you are interested. You watch our kids one time and we can watch yours another time. Since we don't have family here, we are always paying a sitter once a month and it would really help us too! By the way, Grace Based Parenting is GREAT! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI'm doing this with you, but I need time to sit & think it through! I've copied your words into a document, so I can get it all in print! I have a few ideas, but I need more time to get a GOOD plan!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Amy & Sue...and I don't even know them! I've got some really good direction from your three categories. I usually start out with a good dream and then lose myself in the organization part of it all. I'll post more of 'my plan' tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI heart Becky Crenshaw and what Jesus is doing in her. Can't wait to do this too.
ReplyDeleteShould have remembered that my body is a temple before I ate all the Dove chocolates just minutes before reading this post :-(
ReplyDeleteBTW, reading Grace Based Parenting w/ my Pep Moms group this summer. We'll chat! PS - I LOVE the shirt!!!