Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Significant Summer: How's It Going?

Most of us are, at least, a couple of weeks into our new summer routines. I would love to get an update!

It is a very general question but I will throw it out and ask, "How's it going?"

In May, many of us set goals to have a Significant Summer. I look back at my lists and feel as if I wrote them a year ago. My summer took a very different turn when my grandmother had surgery, but the Lord has given me grace beyond measure and allowed me to stick true to many of my plans. From silly to serious, here's a bullet point list of how things are going behind the scene at the Crenshaw's...

1. Ice Pops: I had great intentions of wanting the boys to eat a Popsicle everyday. One ice pop. How fun, right?

Well, its fun unless you have a two-year-old that stands at the freezer and cries, "I want another big sucker. I want another big sucker." over and over and over. To say the least, I haven't bought Popsicles this week. Out of sight, out of mind.

2. Earning Wii: Well, the plan was if the boys played outside long enough and read thirty minutes or more then they could earn a little Wii time after dinner. Sounds easy enough, yes? No. You see, my boys could be Wii junkies. If I allowed it, they would play it from six in the morning until nine at night. It was a constant battle. I honestly got tired of hearing about the Wii. So the Wii now sleeps through the week in the storage closet and only comes out to play on the Wii-kends. Peace. The boys do so much better when it isn't sitting beside of the TV saying, "Hey go ask your mom if we can play."

3. Reading Time: The boys and I have had awesome devotionals in the morning. We either read Jesus Calling or we go over their lesson from VBS or Sunday School. In the evenings, I now have the goal of reading a Newberry or Caldecott Award Winning book to them for bedtime. It has been so good because Ethan is getting to listen in on a book he enjoys, but is above his reading level. Grant benefits because he is enjoying a book that he wouldn't necessarily pick out himself. We are currently reading Because of Winn Dixie by Kate Dicamillo. Precious. I found a great resource for Caldecott and Newberry Winners by grade level if you are interested. Click here.

4. Marriage: Brent and I have not had many romantic nights away, that's for sure. Every time we have gotten a babysitter this summer it has been to sit and plan or help out with Mamaw. Which has been great and so helpful, but I am feeling the void for deeper connection. So if all goes as planned, we are going on a bigger date next week. Dinner and deep conversation ... dreamy.

So that is a very brief overview. I would love to hear of a few things that are working in your home this summer!

Iron sharpens iron as one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

I want to learn from you! If you want to comment below or email me, I will compile a list and share on the next blog. Fun!


  1. Hey Becky, Summer is going good! I haven't wrote goals for the kids this summer yet, but I am thinking it will be stemming around honor. Reading Turasky's book, sooo good! I am hoping to introduce Summer of Significance next week in my blog and talk about it more. :)

  2. Our plan for more date nights has been quite successful!

  3. First of all, I wanted to say that I have set your blog as my homepage on my computer at home. I love the feel of it, the music, and the encouraging messages. So, thank you for taking the time to create a little place of refreshment for me to partake in.

    Secondly, I only have an 11 month old, so I honestly hadn't really felt that the 'significant summer' challenge was for me, and had actually referred my sister to your blog (who has 3 kids ages 3-7). However, it wasn't until this morning when I realized that I need to do that for my walk with the Lord personally, and that there are things that I can be intentional about with my daughter as well, even though she's younger. So, I'm getting on board now with that idea.

    My husband and I had already decided to have a set reading time with Natalie on the 2 and 1/2 days that she's home with me during the week, and so I want to be more committed about that so that she'll hopefully learn a love for reading that will develop into a love for God's Word. We have a little devotional book that we read a story from each night to her before bed as well (or as often as we can). That's been going really well, and I'm tying that into the concept on an intentional summer to hopefully solidify that commitment.

    And I was wondering - when you refer to the book, Jesus Calling, are you referring to the one by Sarah Young? Or is there another version more oriented towards younger kids that you're talking about?


  4. I feel like I'm doing just OK. Getting up early is definitely the key to reaching my spiritual & physical goals! As for the kids, they said that the intentional talks I was attempting to have were cheesy! So, I guess we're back to deep conversations at bedtime & driving in the car ~ I just have to be strategic & not make it seem like I'm trying to talk with them! My mister & I are going out for coffee and watching a movie tonight, because the kids are both at friends! Yay for an impromptu date night!


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