Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Does All Of This Say About Me?

Random facts... (just because it's late and I am tired)

I like some food burnt. Toast. Popcorn. The edges of chicken (Yes, I know this is not good.)

I like ice cream melted. Odd. If I eat ice cream, I let it rest a while. I guess I really like to slurp ice cream.

I like soggy cereal, too.

I heart Craigslist.

As a young girl, I had a (mild) permed mullet. I think I am still recovering.

I always blog in my PJ's and bathrobe. If I could, I would always wear them. I could live in PJ's.

I have always wanted the job of naming OPI nail polishes.

My fingernails hurt when they aren't painted. I am serious. The nailbed physically hurts! Why is this?

When in a hospital, I have to hold myself back from going in to stranger's rooms and praying for them. I just want to lay my hands on everybody.

I once won a Karaoke competition at Family Bowl. Oh yes I did.

I love encouragement. But I always misspell encouragement. Spellcheck always catches me. When will I get this?

I sleep with a stuffed bunny. That I bought from the rescue mission. (I washed him).

I am horrible at basketball.

There is nothing like a new diamond. Or a new Bible. The latter is of greater worth.

Brent and I first danced to Angel Eyes by The Jeff Healey Band.

I love painting. And mowing grass. Ultimately, I love instant gratification. Both deliver.

If I could wear a JESUS cheerleading outfit, I would. I am such a fan.

I love this blog. I love you, reader.

I want you to want Jesus more.

I want to want Jesus more.

Everyday of my life. More.

Your turn. Give me some randoms in the comment box...


  1. Here is a cup of full of randomness....
    1. I love my son's dimple and curly hair and could eat. him. up. I love that he loves his momma. Disclaimer, I love all my littles but this one happens to be sitting on my lap.
    2. I love having a plan, an agenda.
    3. I love sunny days. I seriously am in a better mood when it is pretty outside.
    4. I am kind of a germ nut. Germs and illness slightly freak me out. I am one of those that carries my alcohol and washes my kids hands. If I was a super hero I would be able to see germs and have some cool name like germ girl.
    5. I love that the Lord has called my name and I am seeking him, I am thankful he has been patient with me and allowed me time on Earth to get to know him.
    6. I LOVE becky.

  2. Ok, that is too funny. The first song my husband Michael and I ever danced to was at my senior homecoming dance and the song was indeed, "Angel Eyes". What I also find amusing about that is you are several years younger then me. So funny that that song was still being played... He actually sang the words to me while we danced. Sweet memories...

  3. Oh, girl, sometimes I feel like I'm nothing but random! You may have already read some of my randoms, but here are a few...
    1. I type on my fingers (song lyrics, conversations, fun words to type, whatever strikes my fancy at the time)!
    2. I blog while sitting in my baby girl's video rocker. I desperately need a rocking chair in this house!!
    3. I think I had the same permed mullet that you're talking about! It was awful! I also had a terrible pixie cut before that. I'm still recovering from both!
    4. I love how Q-tips feel in my ears. Is that too weird to mention?
    That's all I can think of at the moment! I loved this random post! :)
    4. Before the permed mullet, I got my hair cut like my brother's. I have no idea why my mom let me, but she called it a cute pixie cut. It was awful! & it's the reason I haven't cut my hair shorter than a bob since. I was five, and I've cut the bob twice. Other than that, I've kept my hair long. All because of the terrible hair cut.

  4. I love random facts! They are so fun & you really learn a lot about someone. :) And Amy, I love the feel of Q-tips in my ears, too, so if it's too weird, then we are in the same boat! ;)
    1. I started writing poems when I was 9. I have 490, not including some really bad "songs" that I wrote when I was going through my hair band days. I wish I had more time to just write.
    2. I refused to get my hair cut after a hairdresser cut my bangs too short when I was 13. I went a good, 14 years before I let anyone near me with a pair of scissors.
    3. I still sleep with a twin size flat sheet (we have a king-sized bed) that I had when I was a girl because I like the feel of the sheets edging. It's a total comfort thing.
    4. I am addicted to Pinterest. I could pin new ideas/crafts/dream spaces for hours.... but I don't because I don't have time. But I love that site!
    5. My lifeverse is James 1 verse 2 and some day I will tattoo it on the side of right foot or on my wrist. It will be my constant reminder to "Count it all joy."
    6. Actually, the book of James is "my" book. I love it and could read it daily and learn something new.
    7. I love chicken finger subs and if someone, ANYone would make them here in Knoxville, I would hug them and make them so uncomfortable but I would not care. I would be ecstatic.
    8. Speaking of food, I love fried chicken livers. OMG. So good. And when I was little, I used to eat chicken tummies and hearts with my daddy. (Is that too gross to share?)
    9. My son melted my heart a few Sunday's ago by breaking out with "Jesus Loves Me" at the dinner table. He's 2 and my sunshine. ♥

  5. ok whoops obviously posted my comment on the wrong one. I am not sure how I did that. Oh well maybe not publish it after your spiritual post :)


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