Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Need To Know This...

From the lips of infants and children you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8:2

Do you ever feel as if the enemy, the Devil himself, has a plot against you? Do you ever think that He is on your tale, bombarding you with conflict after conflict, illness after illness, affliction after affliction?

Well, your intuition is spot on. He does have a plot against you. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says the thief comes only to kill you, steal from you and destroy you. (John 10:10)

But we have Good News. Very, very Good News. We are fully equipped to fight.

And not just fight, but win.

We have the power, through the name of Jesus, to silence our foe.

When we praise our God, the Bible says our enemy has to flee.

Don't miss this: The ESV version of the Bible says that He has ordained praise to still the enemy and the avenger. - Psalm 8:2

In its original Hebrew text, to "still" the enemy means to cause to fail; to suffer; to be lacking.

Oh, how I love this Truth. The enemy’s plot against me FAILS when I praise Jesus. Satan suffers and recognizes his lack when we worship our God.

"Abort mission. Nothin' to see here fellas." His plan fails against the name of Jesus.

Goodness gracious, I need to know this.

This side of heaven, we will never fully know how powerful and just what all happens when we speak the name of Jesus.

What a privilege to even say it out loud. Jesus. There is just something about that name.

Will you take a few minutes to worship with me? This song, Your Great Name, by Natalie Grant, describes so many wonderful truths about the name of Jesus. Let us enter into His presence in praise while the enemy recognizes his lack and flees.

Your Great Name -
Natalie Grant

Lost аrе saved; find tһеіr way; аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name
All condemned; feel no shame, аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name
Eνеrу fеаr; һаѕ no рƖасе аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name
Tһе enemy; he has to leave; аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name

Jesus, Worthy іѕ tһе Lamb tһаt wаѕ ѕlain fοr υѕ, Son οf God аnԁ Man
Yου аrе high аnd lifted up; tһаt аll tһе world wіll praise уουr ɡrеаt name

AƖƖ tһе weak; find tһеіr strength; аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name
Hungry souls; receive grace; аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name
Tһе fatherless; tһеу find tһеіr rest; аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name
Sick аrе healed; аnd tһе dead аrе raised; аt tһе sound οf уουr ɡrеаt name

Jesus, Worthy іѕ tһе Lamb tһаt wаѕ ѕƖаіn fοr υѕ, Son οf God anԁ Man
Yου аrе high аnd lifted up; tһаt аƖƖ tһе world wіƖƖ praise уουr ɡrеаt name

Redeemer, Mу Healer, Almighty
Mу savior, Defender, Yου аrе Mу King

Jesus, Worthy іѕ tһе Lamb tһаt wаѕ ѕƖаin fοr υѕ, Son οf God аnd Man
Yου аrе high аnd lifted up; tһаt аƖƖ tһе world wіƖƖ praise уουr ɡrеаt name


  1. You nailed it with this one. Thank goodness for naptime because I am in no shape for my daughter to see me like this- happy tears but just so much feeling. Thank you Jesus for carrying such a heavy yoke. I surely cant.

  2. LOVE IT!!!! That song is a favorite! I just sang the whole thing, it is so great! Thanks!


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