Friday, October 21, 2011

31 Days :: My Body Is A What?

Health is important to me. I deeply enjoy exercise. I'm one who runs because I have learned to love it. So it is sometimes difficult when I see that my boys don't necessarily share my same passion for wellness.

If you were to ask Grant his favorite food, chances are very high he would say cheese pizza and Oatmeal Creme Pies. Ethan might answer cinnamon pretzels from Sam's. And I know that I know little Luke would say chicken nuggets.

Oh, I wish I could say they all love broiled fish with steamed asparagus. Or even baked chicken and green beans. But they don't. However, they will eat them (while sometimes snarling at me).

Over the years, I have seen the connection between the spiritual well being of my soul and the physical well being of my body. When we feel good about ourselves we operate better on every level. When my mind is hazy from lack of sleep or improper nutrition, my listening grows dull. I am unmotivated and my spiritual growth crawls.

But. Give me adequate hydration and some running endorphins -- I am a new woman. I am a better mom. A happier wife. Whoo hoo! And give me Jesus! I am rarin' to go.

Listen, God has revealed some life altering stuff to me on the running trail. I. Am. Not. Kidding.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19 NIV

Contextually, this verse is referring to sexual immorality and remaining physically pure. However, this verse covers a lot of ground. YOUR BODY IS BEING LIKENED TO THE TEMPLE. Like THE Temple. In Jerusalem. The Temple consisting of the Most Place and the Holy of Holies. Your body is NOW where God resides. The Holy Spirit's habitat is YOU.

Sip your coffee and think on that. A - Maz - Ing.

So while I don't want to shame my boys for loving Oatmeal Creme Pies (I love them too!), I do want to encourage them to be mindful of how many they cram in that sweet little Temple of theirs. I want to raise them with a healthy awareness of nutrition and fitness. Not just for health reasons but for heart reasons. For soul reasons. For sharing the Gospel reasons.

It is not too early to present this Biblical truth to my boys, now. Today. I may get a "My body is a what?" response. "A Temple?" Yes. A Temple.

"Your heart...God's Home."

I pray my boys will one day enjoy lean meat and vegetables like I do, but until then, I will stand in faith that one day they will. I pray they see themselves as worth the effort and have the discipline they need to maintain good health and wellness -- For Jesus glory, not their own.


  1. Oh, I just LOVE this! "But. Give me adequate hydration and some running endorphins -- I am a new woman. I am a better mom. A happier wife. Whoo hoo! And give me Jesus! I am rarin' to go." Amen, sister! I am learning to love running too and the last couple years for me has been all about retraining my body to eat healthier foods, because, when I do, I always feel better physically AND emotionally. There really is something about eating healthy and exercising making you a happier person. :)

  2. I am so excited about this cd, Seeds of Faith. I am always looking for new music to introduce my children to the word of God. Thanks so much for this great series Becky. I've been enjoying it and learning so much!

  3. I to love this. Running is new to me and very difficult but I love those healthy endorphines. Today i explained to my boys they couldnt watch a certain show cause garbage in=garbage out!


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