Do you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16,17
The past few weeks I have been reading through 1 Chronicles. Towards the end, God gives King David a vision to build the temple. A building where His Spirit could dwell. A temple so great, that the King held a ceremony to present just the idea to his son, Solomon (1 Chron 28). David worked the floor plans with great care and precision. Describing every detail. Charging his son to fulfill the task.
But the temple would be only another ornate building until God's presence arrived.
Years prior, God instructed Moses to let the people of Israel "make a sanctuary, that [He] may dwell in their midst." Exodus 28:5
This sanctuary would be a Holy place, much like the ground at the burning bush. A place made Holy, only by the presence of the LORD.
Do you know that You are God's Temple? v.16
You. God's sanctuary. A place made holy with His prescence.
Your heart. God's Home. Your Body. His dwelling.
The past few weeks I have been reading through 1 Chronicles. Towards the end, God gives King David a vision to build the temple. A building where His Spirit could dwell. A temple so great, that the King held a ceremony to present just the idea to his son, Solomon (1 Chron 28). David worked the floor plans with great care and precision. Describing every detail. Charging his son to fulfill the task.
But the temple would be only another ornate building until God's presence arrived.
Years prior, God instructed Moses to let the people of Israel "make a sanctuary, that [He] may dwell in their midst." Exodus 28:5
This sanctuary would be a Holy place, much like the ground at the burning bush. A place made Holy, only by the presence of the LORD.
Do you know that You are God's Temple? v.16
You. God's sanctuary. A place made holy with His prescence.
Your heart. God's Home. Your Body. His dwelling.
Spurgeon says, "Feeling the presence of the mighty God in the gift of his dear Son, you will put off your shoes from off your feet, because the place whereon you stand is holy ground."
This calls for a pedicure! Love. This. Anywhere you go, Christian, take off your shoes. For where you are, so is He. His presence dwelling inside of you.
Holy Ground.
What if this is how we viewed ourselves today? Everyday?
Sanctified? Holy? Like a burning bush? A sanctuary?
I love heath and wellness, not because I want to encourage others to look better. But because a healthy lifestyle is good housekeeping. Keeping the temple healthy is another way to honor the presence of God in our lives.
God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. v. 17
Sometimes, I let my temple get tired. Or run down. I don't always hydrate well or eat my best.
But as a whole, I want to strive for good health. For His Glory. Not mine.
How would we treat ourselves differently if we viewed our bodies as a dwelling place for the Living God?
What would we change?
What will you do today for His temple?
Funny that you mention "hydrate". Does coffee count? I mean, it IS a liquid. :) It's hard for me to get all my water in during the winter. It's cold! I don't want cold. I want warm and soothing. I'm already usually covered head to toe in sweats and a blanket. Who needs cold? Any tricks? I'll try to get my water in today. :)