Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day Nine: Loves Serves {a hundred ways}

Last night, Tisha came over to help me paint our playroom. I love it when Tisha comes. Fun things always happen in my house when she does!

It's funny. I am not a very handy person. I don't really know how to work an electric drill. I am a bit intimidated by painting jobs. And my skill with a hammer goes not further than hanging a picture. That's it.

But after Tisha leaves, I feel like calling HGTV and applying for a position. Last night, I painted the two story ceilings of the playroom. Edging and all! Aren't you proud of me?! I learn so much from this girl, who has no fear of an electric drill, extension rollers or paint brushes.

But last night I was even more amazed at her servant's heart. Tisha didn't have to come help me paint. She could have given me instructions of what to do and where to start. But no. She came and was an example to me. Her time spent here...priceless.

Then He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him..."You call me teacher and Lord and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher , have washed your feet you also should do as I have done to you." John 13:5, 13

Sweet Jesus. Serving his twelve. Washing the filth off of their feet. Symbolic of his plan to wash the filth off of their hearts.

The God of creation...He didn't have to come help us here. He could have only given us instructions of what to do and where to start. But no. He came and was an example to us. His time spent here...priceless.

Day nine: Love Serves

Today, where can you kneel down and serve? Whose feet will God call you to wash? By serving others, you are being an example of the love God came to bring. Your service may look a hundred different ways. Maybe helping a friend paint a room {grin} or grabbing a cup of coffee for your co-worker. Maybe it is having an extra happy heart when your kids ask you for yet another drink of milk. Right when you sat down at dinner {grin again}. Maybe it is serving your husband by paying that bill that is still lying on the counter. Or grabbing your neighbor's newspaper and walking it up to her door.

A hundred ways to serve. One God to display.

How can you love other's today by serving?

{Let me know! I heart comments...}


  1. I'm just getting a chance to catch up on your end of the week posts, and love the this, "A hundred ways to serve. One God to display."

    Amen - what a great reminder that as a believer, my life can be a display of who God is (or conversely, can confused others when it doesn't line up with Who He is). I will be looking for opportunities to serve in new ways today. Thanks!


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