Yesterday, I spent my afternoon rummaging through cabinets and closets, searching for Valentine's decor. Ah, February. The month of love.
Valentine's day, although mostly viewed as a consumer's holiday, really is quite Gospel-centered (if you ask me). The God of creation, coming down from Heaven, on a love pursuit. Setting out to rescue His Bride from harm's way. Laying down His life for her. Suffering death in her place. All because of love.
Sounds like a best seller to me.
This February, let's look at the Author of love, and together, purpose ourselves to learn His model.
Will you join me for 28+1 Days to Lovin' Better!? Each day we will take a brief look at God's example of love to us. And then will be given an opportunity to apply it to our day. Kind of "Love Dare-ish" with little "love" activities. How fun!
Are you in? Here we go...
Day One: Love Plans
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! Psalm 139:16-17
God is a planner. Even before you were born, He was lovin' on you. Thinking precious thoughts about you. Making plans for your life. He was excited about you! Mapping out moments before you were even conceived.
This morning, let love motivate you to make a little plan.Who has God put in your life to love better? Maybe your spouse? Your children? Maybe God's given you the opportunity to love on a difficult co-worker. Or a challenging friendship? Has God called you to love an orphan or at-risk child? I bet you already know who to plan for, don't you?!
So, this morning, make a little love plan in your heart. Think on those people and purpose yourself to love them better. Practice God's model of love...plan, think and pray. Plan to be a hugger. Plan to be a giver. Plan to be prayerful. Plan to be a servant. How does God need you to love these people?
There you have it! Day one! Leave a comment and let me know if you are on board! How exciting! And invite a friend to join us on our "28+1 Days to Lovin' Better"! Let's share the love!
{God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 John 4:16 }
Count me in! Who couldn't use a little more lovin'? And I know I don't always act in loving ways with my family. I'll try to show each of them more love starting today.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you're in!!
DeleteI'm on board, girl! Praying for how I can show love better to friends, family, and strangers.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a dear, Sue! You are such an example of God's LOVE! xoxo
Deletesuch an encouraging way to think of february!!!! thanks becky!!! can't wait to read more!
ReplyDeletejennifer morris
Thanks Jennifer! Can't wait to see you this weekend!! UTC CRU!!
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Thanks for another great blog series. I'm looking forward to this month!