Words can not say how overwhelmed I was by your response to Chasing Skinny. Thank you for your emails, Facebook messages and blog comments.
It was hard to put it all out there. Skinny likes to keep a low profile. She's the subtle and quiet type. Usually she only pops up her sassy head when my guards are down or my eyes aren't fixed on Jesus. When my heart wanders to the things of this temporal world.
And there is nothing more temporal than skinny. Give me a long holiday weekend, a beachy vacation or a few monthly hormones and "poof", skinny is gone again. I can't count on her. She always changes.
She is very irresponsible.
Giving her the exposure was necessary. I have to believe that we all can relate to her on some level. Maybe your idol isn't skinny. Maybe your idol is money. Or your job. Maybe children. Or the opposite sex. Maybe your idol is pretty. Or fashion. Or maybe your idol loves to eat too much. I don't know, but what I do know is God is bigger.
And hallelujah, He stays the same.
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor. 12:9
His power is perfect in weakness. Ponder that.
Perfection. The unattainable human trait. A word only accomplished by Christ.
I will gladly be the first to admit...I ain't perfect. And, I love you but, you ain't perfect either.
The only means to perfect is Jesus. And if it is possible for Him to be even more perfect-er, let us boast about weaknesses. It is in our weakness He shows off His perfect-ness.
What does that look like for you?
Maybe sharing your struggle with a friend? Nothing will shut up an idol quicker than giving it a voice. Tell on it. Put it to shame. Once the cat is out of the bag, ironically, it will stop shaming you.
I went to the Y the other day and I stopped to talk with a friend (Hey Beth!). Chasing Skinny was our topic. I said to her, "I can not separate God from this." I motioned all around me. The "this" being fitness. He drew me to Him and gave me life abundant through it. Wellness is so important to me. He healed my heart on a fitness floor. Talk about a cardio workout. I am passionate about Him. And I am passionate about health. They go together for me. I can not separate the two.
So. Why all the skinny talk?
Well, I honestly found it odd that fitness is such a huge part of my life, and I rarely share anything about it on my blog. And He wants me to begin. Maybe one day it will be a series on "Christ-Centered Wellness". Or maybe a friend will share a testimony of her battle with food. Maybe I want to share a recipe or do a series on getting excited about exercise. I don't know. But God does. And my ears are open to Him.
I needed to share my testimony before I started this new chapter of my blog. A recipe for Kale Chips will make better sense now. It won't be quite so out-of-no-where.
Soooo. Let me ask you (as I have talked long enough)... Do you have questions for me? Questions about Chasing Skinny? Or do you have a health and wellness topic you would like to see covered? I would love to hear about it. Or maybe you need to share a piece of your heart. I would be honored to listen.
It was hard to put it all out there. Skinny likes to keep a low profile. She's the subtle and quiet type. Usually she only pops up her sassy head when my guards are down or my eyes aren't fixed on Jesus. When my heart wanders to the things of this temporal world.
And there is nothing more temporal than skinny. Give me a long holiday weekend, a beachy vacation or a few monthly hormones and "poof", skinny is gone again. I can't count on her. She always changes.
She is very irresponsible.
Giving her the exposure was necessary. I have to believe that we all can relate to her on some level. Maybe your idol isn't skinny. Maybe your idol is money. Or your job. Maybe children. Or the opposite sex. Maybe your idol is pretty. Or fashion. Or maybe your idol loves to eat too much. I don't know, but what I do know is God is bigger.
And hallelujah, He stays the same.
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor. 12:9
His power is perfect in weakness. Ponder that.
Perfection. The unattainable human trait. A word only accomplished by Christ.
I will gladly be the first to admit...I ain't perfect. And, I love you but, you ain't perfect either.
The only means to perfect is Jesus. And if it is possible for Him to be even more perfect-er, let us boast about weaknesses. It is in our weakness He shows off His perfect-ness.
What does that look like for you?
Maybe sharing your struggle with a friend? Nothing will shut up an idol quicker than giving it a voice. Tell on it. Put it to shame. Once the cat is out of the bag, ironically, it will stop shaming you.
I went to the Y the other day and I stopped to talk with a friend (Hey Beth!). Chasing Skinny was our topic. I said to her, "I can not separate God from this." I motioned all around me. The "this" being fitness. He drew me to Him and gave me life abundant through it. Wellness is so important to me. He healed my heart on a fitness floor. Talk about a cardio workout. I am passionate about Him. And I am passionate about health. They go together for me. I can not separate the two.
So. Why all the skinny talk?
Well, I honestly found it odd that fitness is such a huge part of my life, and I rarely share anything about it on my blog. And He wants me to begin. Maybe one day it will be a series on "Christ-Centered Wellness". Or maybe a friend will share a testimony of her battle with food. Maybe I want to share a recipe or do a series on getting excited about exercise. I don't know. But God does. And my ears are open to Him.
I needed to share my testimony before I started this new chapter of my blog. A recipe for Kale Chips will make better sense now. It won't be quite so out-of-no-where.
Soooo. Let me ask you (as I have talked long enough)... Do you have questions for me? Questions about Chasing Skinny? Or do you have a health and wellness topic you would like to see covered? I would love to hear about it. Or maybe you need to share a piece of your heart. I would be honored to listen.
AND...it is National "De-Lurking" Day in the blogsphere. So...if you are one who reads and doesn't comment... today's the day to COME OUT! Hilarious. Thanks (IN)Courage for coming up with that one! LOL!
Leave a comment or email me at
Photo compliments of Angela's Heartwork. Love it.
love your posts about Chasing Skinny! Love your blog and all the Scripture! :)
ReplyDeleteLove reading your posts and words of encouragement. Your de-lurking line made me finally comment. I think you are great and thank you for sharing your life and walk with the blog world!
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing...freeing...and so true! Thank you for this post! LOVE IT!